I Am Volunteering for the iHeartRadio MMVAs This Weekend – FINALLY!

Imagine applying for something for three years – THREE YEARS – and you finally get it. Ughhhh it’s a magical feeling – whatever it is. Just waiting for something that is so dear to you finally happening is just crazy awesome.

I’ve been dreaming of going to the MuchMusic studios from the moment I knew what MuchMusic was – so, since I was 7 or 8 years old. Unfortunately, I grew up in Montreal which is a bit far from the Bell Media offices in Toronto. Of course, it didn’t stop me from watching every shows on the channel everyday when I would come back from school (for example, Video On Trial!!!) Ugh, I loved that channel so much – it actually gave me the passion for music journalism and entertaining people. I adored the VJs and the programming. One thing in particular that I loved also were the Much Music Video Awards (MMVAs). These awards, live from downtown Toronto, brought together popular artists to perform and receive awards in front of fans. I would never miss it as it was broadcasted every year on the channel.

So, when I was 21, I realized that it was possible for me to volunteer at the MMVAs. I could travel to Toronto on my own obviously and help out however they needed. I remember emailing any address possible related to Much Music to know if they needed anyone or if they could help me figure out where to send my application to volunteer. Unfortunately the first year I didn’t receive anything.

The following year I discovered that Much (it used to be called MuchMusic but that year they re-branded it for Much) offered internships – to which I applied but didn’t get accepted. I still sent an email to see if I could volunteer or how to volunteer for the MMVAs – but still, no answer. I think I actually applied for another internship the year after and still didn’t get it – which really sucked. At this point I wasn’t sure whether or not the internship actually existed – or maybe they just didn’t want me there and that’s cool too.

You guess it right of course, I emailed again in 2017 but I think I was a bit too late because the MMVAs were happening June 23rd or something and I applied maybe June 10th SO – yeah, that was my bad.

Around 20 emails sent, a few internship applications submitted and still no answers. Nothing – in over three years there was no way for me to get into the studios. So of course, it does hurt the ego and the soul to think that the place you’ve been dreaming of for years doesn’t want you (or maybe doesn’t exist but the latter is the least possible).

Now, it’s been a year since I’ve been in Ontario – and after this year, I must say that everything has changed for me for the best. First off, I had a sick experience interning at Breakfast Television and I finally took my future in my own hands and started my blog – which I think is pretty cool.

Obviously, I applied again to volunteer for the MMVAs – and you can imagine how I felt when I finally got an email back to fill out a volunteering form.

OHHH MYYYYYYYY! FINALLY! Finally an answer. Finally SOMETHING! This was the proof that Much did exist and this time they were welcoming ME to come to them.

I’m writing this now and I still can’t believe it because today is when I will be entering the doors where some of my favourite artists and hosts walked in as well. I am beyond grateful for this experience and I wouldn’t do it any differently. I am so happy that after so many years of persisting to volunteer/interning I’m finally getting something out of it – FINALLY!

I know, volunteering is not a secured stay there and it’s only for two days – but today and tomorrow are gonna be very special to me – I can feel it.

I will be helping out with the red carpet and as much as I know it’s not a huge deal, the fact that I’m contributing in some ways to the MMVAs is really mind blowing for me.

I’m also super excited because the wrist band that I will be getting will grant me access to the actual MMVAs after the red carpet – so that’s gonna be very awesome as well.

I will be trying to vlog if I can – but one thing y’all can be certain about is that I will be taking pics whenever is possible and definitely will be blogging about it eventually this week (probably Monday).

So, moral of the story – don’t let rejection or silence stop you from conquering your dreams, whatever that is. My dream as a kid was to enter the Much Music studios, contribute in some way and attend the MMVAs and I’m finally doing it this weekend. It means more to me than anything in the world right now and even if it only lasts for two days, it will have lasted for two amazing days.

Now, I’m gonna go get ready as I only have 15 minutes to do so before heading downtown.


xo, TheModMisfit. 

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